Who We Are

The Employment Round Table of Southern California began in 1983 in cooperation with the California Civil Rights Department, and is comprised of volunteers from business, public and private employers, and labor organizations.
Our purpose is to create an awareness of the problems of discrimination, harassment and retaliation in employment, and to reduce discrimination and promote equal opportunity.

Our Objective

  • Enhance communications between employers and the California Civil Rights Department.
  • Provide forums which promote education, advocacy and understanding of equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws and practices.
  • Initiate programs which promote civil rights and expand equal opportunity in employment.

ERTSC Provides

  • Education through seminars and conferences with a focus on employer best practices to assist in preventing discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in employment.
  • Information on California Civil Rights Department.
  • A partnership between Southern California employers and the California Civil Rights Department (CRD).

ERTSC Upcoming Events

Free Webinar Event

Legal Protections for Mental Health Related Disabilities.

Please join the Employment Roundtable of Southern California and the Northern California Employment Roundtable in partnership with the Civil Rights Department for a complimentary webinar, Legal Protections for Mental Health Related Disabilities.

The webinar will cover:

Difference between disability coverage for the ADA and FEHA

Reasonable accommodations and essential functions when it comes to mental health accommodations

Types of medical information an employer can request during the interactive process

Interactive scenarios

Thursday, August 8, 2024

At 12 Noon

Visit our Event page here for more details about this free Webinar and to register.

In Partnership

The California Civil Rights Department is California’s civil rights agency charged with the enforcement of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, Unruh Civil Rights Act, Disabled Persons Act, and Ralph Civil Rights Act. Since 1983, the Department has partnered with the Employment Round Table of Southern California to eliminate employment discrimination, harassment and retaliation. The Department is committed to collaborating with the Round Table to sponsor forums that promote education and encourage best practices in the workplace.